For ESEA State Title Directors: Support & Special Projects
Zuckerman Education Consulting can provide personalized support with special projects for ESEA State Title Directors. This is customizable, specialized assistance from an experienced State Education Agency Title I Director. It is flexible, and can help meet your ESSA-aligned goals.
Support Topics are personalized to meet individual needs, but may include:
- Role of an ESEA State Director
- Analyzing new USDE Guidance
- Implementation of new USDE Guidance
- Managing a Team
- Managing administration budgets
- Supporting equitable educational practices
- Supporting equitable team practices
- Serving as the public face of ESEA, interacting with:
- Press
- Legislators
- School Boards
- School & District Administrators
Examples of Special Project Support include:
- School Accountability under ESSA
- Identifying CSI, ATSI, and TSI schools
- Supporting CSI, ATSI, and TSI schools
- Monitoring improvement efforts in CSI, ATSI, and TSI schools
- Preparing for USDE Monitoring
- Subrecipient monitoring protocols
- Implementing Private school equitable participation
- Managing administration budgets
- Managing Stakeholder engagement
- Administering the Title I Committee of Practitioners
Contact Jonas for more information.